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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Snap General Election ‘17

would cement May’s position as a Prime Minister in her own right, provide a mandate for her vision of Brexit

Links with Europe vital for carer campaigning

Like many working in public affairs, I’m guilty of trotting out lots of statistics to support my organisation’s policy objectives and calls to action. There are 759,000 unpaid carers in Scotland, and on top of that there are the hidden carers that we can’t measure through the...

Implications for Scotland and the third sector on leaving the EU

is projected to be between £1.7 billion and £11.2 billion per year lower than it would have been if Brexit,organisations have expressed concern that the third sector is not being engaged actively enough in post Brexit,engage with universities, business leaders and the agricultural community, it is felt by some that Brexit,projects that could help promote social cohesion and tackle underlying problems that may have led to ‘Brexit

Televised debates have me reaching for the remote

none-the-wiser about Theresa May’s plans for the dementia tax cap, her proposals on education, or her Brexit

Brexit, what could it mean for the third sector?

One week after the referendum, SCVO’s Policy Officers Network met to wrestle with the implications of Brexit

Tell us whether or not the Brexit debate matters to charities

Our short survey only takes five minutes I read this Guardian piece on charities not staying neutral on the EU vote and immediately agreed with it. Then I saw the interesting debate over BMW explaining its position to its Rolls Royce and Mini workforce. Employers using their...

Scotland’s Place in Europe: third sector concerns

Resources to ensure services are equipped to meet the needs of those who may find themselves in a crisis as Brexit,In the event of Scotland being involved in a ‘hard Brexit’, we believe the economic shock will push many

Our top 10 tips to prepare for changes in data protection law

Regulation (GDPR) it marks the biggest change in data protection legislation for over 25 years – and even Brexit,Don’t wait until 2018 – even with Brexit looming, the UK will most likely adopt similar requirements,and the GDPR will be directly applicable before Brexit takes effect.

Four reasons why open government matters to you

seeing the polarising of public attitudes intensify across the world, none more noticeable than with Brexit


Funding Scotland